Campus Ministry & Lasallian Mission

Foundational to a Lasallian education is the faith development of the student. Students are challenged to understand Faith for what it is, a loving relationship between God, Self, and Other. Through liturgies, retreats, and service opportunities, Campus Ministry seeks to help our students recognize the real presence of God at work in their lives so that they may be inspired to reflect the presence of God to each other and the world they well enter after the Academy.

Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry plays a central role in the holistic development of our students. All Ministry platforms at CBA invite our students to encounter and reflect the real presence of God. Central to our program is the daily experience of prayer. School days are immersed in prayer: the opportunity to attend daily Mass in the Chapel, a school-wide morning prayer, and beginning each class period with prayer. Each student is offered the reminder that dialogue with God’s Holy Presence is central to a life of Faith. Our retreats offer students the chance to pause and reflect on where they have encountered God at work in their lives. Our service platform invites students to become reflections of God’s loving presence to those in most need.

“To Serve and Stand for Those In Need…”


To support participation by all in every celebration of Mass, students and faculty are invited to serve the community in four different capacities, all essential to our Mass celebrations. Learn more here.


As part of CBA’s mission to develop the whole person, spiritual retreats are an integral element of each student’s personal development. Every student is required to engage in a retreat each year at the Academy. Learn more here.

Lasallian Youth

St. John Baptist de La Salle had a special concern for the youths of his day, and he inculcated that same preference to those who joined his community. Lasallian Youth offers students a variety of opportunities to minister to the economically poor through direct service and education. Learn more here.

Director of Mission & Ministry

Photo of Mr. Matthew Meehan
Mr. Matthew Meehan
Work Phone: (732) 747-1959 Ext 155

Visit Our Chapel

The Chapel is open to all students and faculty throughout the day. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is celebrated every weekday at 7:45 a.m. in our Chapel. All are welcome to attend. The Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation is available to all in the CBA Community. Visit the Chapel and speak with one of our chaplains or Mr. DiBrienza to make arrangements.