Campus Ministry

Faith and service are critical to the spiritual formation of Academy men. At CBA, we arrange a program of instruction, mentoring and prayer, specifically designed to foster the life of the spirit in every student.

Campus Ministry at CBA starts at the individual level. Central to our program is the daily experience of prayer. School days are immersed in prayer: the opportunity to attend daily Mass in the Chapel, a school-wide morning prayer, and beginning most class periods with prayer. Each student is given numerous reminders of just how important it is to keep a constant dialogue with God.

The prayer life of our students is informed by a solid program of religious instruction. While academically rigorous, the faculty of the Theology department never truly separates the object and the subject of study. Religion-focused courses do more than merely feed the head.


Photo of Mr. Matthew Meehan
Mr. Matthew Meehan
Work Phone: (732) 747-1959 Ext 155
Photo of Mr. Matthew Butler
Mr. Matthew Butler
Work Phone: (732) 747-1959 Ext 338
Photo of Mr. Ciro Saverino
Mr. Ciro Saverino
Work Phone: (732) 747-1959 Ext 341