The Mock Trial Team at CBA is an excellent immersion in the world of law for high school students.
The Mock Trial Team studies a predetermined fictional case and learns how such a case would be handled in a trial within our judiciary system. The team also participates in the annual High School Mock Trial Competition, hosted by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. CBA prepares two teams, one defense and one plaintiff/prosecution, to take part in a fictional trial against other schools.
The team selects roles for a mock trial (attorneys, witnesses, jury members, based on individual interest and sometimes auditions. The students meet weekly to study the strengths and weaknesses of the cases, and strategize on how to best present such a case. Students must be present at weekly meetings and typically only miss a meeting with a valid excuse.
For students interested in studying law after high school, the Mock Trial Team is a way to get hands-on experience and advice from our two attorney coaches, who are present at most meetings. Mrs. Viola has coached the team for the past 12 years.
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