Professional Networking

Dive into specialized LinkedIn groups, access exclusive career events in NJ and NYC, and fortify our future professional network by giving back at Career Day.

Connect with 1,500 alumni professionals in our private LinkedIn group

Find opportunity with CBA Alumni in your industry in the following alumni managed private groups

Law →

Real Estate →

Media →

Finance →

iPhone mockup with LinkedIn on screen
Networking night

Join our annual Alumni open-bar networking happy hour at Dempsey’s Pub in Midtown Manhattan. Last year’s event welcomed over 90 alumni.

This year’s event will be held March 7th, 2024.

Career day speakers

Career Day brings community professionals to inspire our students with their journeys, welcoming over 60 speakers last year.

Interested in participating? Click below for event updates.

Alumni Heat Map

Visualize the global spread of our distinguished alumni.

Almabase map