Introduction to Digital Systems

Earn College Credit in Engineering

In the 2020-2021 CBA will offer an engineering course under its dual enrollment program with Manhattan College.  This means that students can earn college credit for a sophomore course offered by the Electrical and Computer Engineering at Manhattan.

The course is titled “Introduction to Digital Systems” and is a required course for the Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering majors.  It explores the basic hardware components of computers and then shows how to design and implement circuits using these components.  A description of the course offered at Manhattan is given below.

EECE 229. Introduction to Digital Systems. 3 Credits.

This course introduces the fundamental principles of the design of digital systems. The material includes number representations, switching algebra, and logic systems for the analysis and synthesis of combinational and sequential circuits. Basic design concepts and implementation technology, and the use of HDL and computer-based design tools are also covered. 

To obtain more information about Manhattan’s EECE 229 course and CBA’s offering, please contact Br Henry Chaya.