Which device do you want to print from?
To Print From A Windows Device
Add networked printers
Important: Make sure your Windows device is connected to your organization’s network.
- Download and run this Mobility Print Printer Setup (pc-mobility-print-printer-setup.exe).
- On the License Agreement screen, click Next.
- Select a printer; then click Next.
Enter your PaperCut Username and Password; then click Next. - Click Finish.
- Print your document.
- To add more printers, run the downloaded Windows Printer Setup again.
Note: If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact your system administrator for more information.
Device requirements
Mobility Print supports Microsoft Windows 7+.
To Print From Your MacOS Device
To add a printer
Important: Make sure your Apple Mac is connected to your organization’s network (e.g. Wi-Fi).
- Navigate to System Preferences > Printers and Scanners.
- Click the
icon under the Printers List.
- The Add dialog is displayed. This dialog displays a list of all of the discovered printers on the network.
- Select a printer. The Name, Location, and Use is displayed.
- Check that Use is set to Secure AirPrint.
- If Secure AirPrint is not displayed:
- Close the Add dialog.
- Disconnect from the network.
- Reconnect to the network.
- Try again. If you still cannot see Secure AirPrint, contact PaperCut Support.
- Click Add.
- Print your document. When prompted enter your PaperCut username and password.
- Repeat for any other required printers.
If are not sure how to print from your application, take a look at Print from your Mac.
Note: If you enter the wrong authentication details, MacBook devices do not show any warning message; your job will just not print. If your job doesn’t print, check the Print Queue dialog. If the print job is there and has the message Held for authentication, click the
icon; then re-enter your login details.
Note: If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact your system administrator for more information.
Device requirements
Mobility Print supports macOS Yosemite+.
To Print From Your IOS Device (IPhone, IPad)
organization’s network.On iPhones and iPads, Mobility Print just works like AirPrint!
- Print your content as described in Use AirPrint to print from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
- You will be prompted to enter your PaperCut Username and Password.
Note: If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact your system administrator for more information.
Device requirements
Mobility Print supports iOS 9.2+.
To Print From Your Android Device
- Install the Mobility Print app from the Google Play Store.
- Launch the app.
- Tap Android settings.
- Tap Mobility Print.
- Tap the enable toggle.
- Exit out of Settings.
- Print your document. When prompted enter your PaperCut username and password.
The way you print is different depending on the app you want to print from. For more information, see the documentation for the app. When you select a printer, make sure you select a Mobility Print printer as identified by the PaperCut icon
If you select the Remember me checkbox, your phone will remember your login details for that printer for one week.
Note: If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact your system administrator for more information.
Device requirements
Mobility Print supports Android 4.4+. Supported devices includes Android phones and tablets from Google, Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, Huawei among others.
Remove disabled printers
The Android device remembers all of the printers that you have ever had access to. This means that you might end up with printers listed on your Android device that you will never use again. For example, if you leave an organization and no longer have access to their networks, you will no longer need their printers. Mobility Print allows you to remove unwanted printers.
Printers that are not reachable, that is, not on the same network as your Android device, are disabled and grayed out in the Printer List. However, just because a printer is currently disabled, does not always mean you should delete it. It might be disabled because you are not currently on the network, but will be at a later time (for example, you are at home rather than on your organization’s network). You should only delete those printers you will never use again.
To remove unwanted printers:
- Open the Printer Selection dialog (by printing from an application). Note: The way you access the Printer Selection dialog is different depending on the app you access it from. For more information, see the documentation for the app.
- Select All printers.
- Long press the printer you want to remove.
- Select Forget printer from the menu.
To Print From A ChromeBook
- Install the Mobility Print Chrome app.
- Open the page to print.
- If printing is available, right-click; then select Print.
- Click Change to choose a printer.
- Select a printer from the list.
Make sure you select a Mobility Print printer as identified by the PaperCut icon.
- When prompted enter your PaperCut Username and Password.
If you select the Remember me checkbox, your device will remember your login details for that printer for one week.
Note: If you are using account selection, then additional configuration is required. Contact your system administrator for more information.
Device requirements
Mobility Print supports Chrome OS with Chrome version 43+. Supported devices include Chrome Books from Acer, Asus, HP, Lenovo, and Toshiba.