“Our students are really excited to get a peek at the technology behind Engineering, really see how it works and what they could potentially do with it. They will also get to see what they could study at the college level. In reality, engineers do a multitude of things once they graduate and we will explore those pathways.”
– Therese Heidelberger, Engineering Teacher
Christian Brothers Academy has offered students an opportunity to explore the engineering field through its popular Engineering Club, as well as senior elective courses, such as Creative Engineering and Principles of Engineering, to peak an interest before a student’s college years. Playing off of that interest, CBA will be expanding its academic offerings in the world of Engineering.
Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, students from freshman to senior year will be able to enroll in a variety of courses in Engineering. These classes will feature a wide variety of makerspace activities, 3D modeling, and computer-aided design, as well as MATLAB and other modeling tools. Check out the courses that are projected to be offered in 2024-2025.
Creative Engineering
Principles of Engineering
Advanced Engineering: Mathematical Modeling & Statistics
Engineering Capstone
Contact: Therese Heidelberger, Engineering Teacher | theidelberger@cbalincroftnj.org