Alumni March Madness Returns March 18th
February 26, 2021
Once the calendar turns to March, that feeling of competition, excitement and passion fills the air. This year may be slightly different, but the brackets are still printed and friendly wagers are placed. While you root for your college alma-mater on television, you can be a real part of your high school’s March Madness.
Our fifth annual March Madness Giving Challenge debuts on Tuesday, March 18th, and the cause is one near and dear to every alumnus heart: the Academy itself.
The Reason
Every alumnus can attest to the power this place, this tradition, has on a young man. We seek to ensure that #TheCBAWay continues for generations to come. So what better way to do that with some class competition? The Academy tradition reaches far and wide. Generations of brothers are in every industry, every state, and throughout the world. We seek to unite our brothers together, in one strong showing of support.
In 2019, a record 500 alumni raised nearly $33,000 in just three days, with the Class of 1984 being crowned champion. There were strong showings from classes throughout the decades, especially the 1990’s. Will a new class win this year’s challenge and dethrone?
The Rules
Our goal this year is to have 500 alumni participate and raise $40,000! All 57 classes will play in this ONE DAY, winner take all giving challenge on Thursday, March 18th.
How To Play:
∙ Donate and earn 1 point for your class. Alumni may donate multiple times throughout the day to earn donation mega-marks, but will only count as one participation point. (min. $10 donation).*
∙ Classes who hit Donation mega-marks & Participation marks earn bonus points.*
∙ Rally your classmates to participate and claim victory over the other 56 graduating classes of CBA!
*Bonus points are available throughout the competition. Donation mega-marks (3pts.) begin at $500 and increase by denominations of $500 ($500, $1,000, $1,500…). Participation mega-marks (5pts.) begin at 10 participants and increase by denominations of five (10 classmates, 15, 20…).
Alumni can start participating right now through the link below to give their class a commanding early lead!
The Rewards
The Best Class in Academy History!
The winning class will receive an invitation and very special recognition at our March Madness Winner’s Celebration as soon as circumstances permit. The top four classes will be our guests at this event, but only one class year will be recognized as “Challenge Champion.” Will anyone dethrone 2019’s winner, the Class of 1984?
All gifts made in response to this challenge will become part of The Fund for The Academy, assisting our school with the resources needed to provide the full CBA experience for our current and future Colts. All donations will be recognized in the 2020 Annual Report, due out late next fall.
#JoinTheChallenge!Show your support, accept the challenge, and help us prove to all why our alma mater has the greatest alumni network of any school in America. This is our chance. This is our challenge.
Contact Thomas Ferro at tferro@cbalincroftnj.org