CBA Fathers and Sons Take Part in Service Together
March 19, 2019
Christian Brothers Academy prides itself on a balanced education with service to the needy as a main component. It’s one of the biggest reasons why parents choose to send their sons to the Academy.
However, it is not everyday that parents will participate in service activities with their sons.
That was one of the top goals of the CBA Fathers’ Club this school year: to give back to the community with their sons.
Throughout this entire school year, the Fathers’ Club has visited St. Mark’s Center for Community Renewal in Keansburg on the third Saturday of each month.
The team of dads and sons are tasked with preparing a hot lunch for upwards of 100 individuals, who depend on the Center for their daily meals. The CBA contingent creates the lunch from scratch in the kitchen, then serves the meal to those at the Center. They are also in-charge of cleaning up the facility after the meal.
The team has prepared a variety of different meals each month, including meats, pasta dishes, soups, desserts and more.
“It is an eye-opening experience to serve the needy at St. Mark’s, as it is sometimes easy to forget the poverty that exists right in our community,” sophomore Michael Gibson said. “When my group of classmates and their fathers are finished serving the meal, we feel a sense of pride that we are doing something truly special for those less fortunate than us.”
The Fathers’ Club plans to continue with this community outreach initiative through the rest of the school year. If you and your son are interested in joining, please contact Fathers’ Club Vice President, Kevin Gibson, at gibson.kevin@verizon.net.