CBA Scholarship Clambake A Great Success
September 12, 2017
On September 8, 2017, more than 250 members of the CBA community gathered at Conover Pavilion in Deal for the the annual CBA Scholarship Clambake presented by the Alumni Association.
With the almost full moon rising over the ocean as a backdrop and the roaring fire on the beach, everyone enjoyed the great food and libations provided by Rick Bott ’72 and his staff at MerriMakers.
As has been the tradition at the Clambake, the night included a gift-basket auction and a high-end silent auction. The prizes included weekend get-aways at a beautiful bed and breakfast in West Virginia, a ski chalet in Vermont, Skytop Lodge in Pennsylvania, and a week in Sanibel Island, Florida. Other popular prizes were sporting event tickets, athlete and team memorabilia, golf outings, and fine wines, among others.
The Super 50/50 saw three lucky winners walk away with more than $16,000 in total winnings.
The night benefits the Alumni Association’s scholarship fund. Each school year, the Alumni Association scholarships are awarded to incoming freshman whose families could not otherwise afford a CBA education. Alumni Association scholarships are full scholarships that are based on financial need, academics, community service and a commitment to others. Applicants interview with members of the Alumni Association Board of Trustees each winter for selection for the following school year.
Next year’s Clambake has already been set: September 7, 2018 at Conover Pavilion.
For more information on Alumni Association scholarships, please contact Pat McGann ’71, Director of Alumni Relations, at pmcgann@cbalincroftnj.org.