Grit. Gusto. And a genuine desire to grow.
All three were on display earlier this month during CBA FBLA’s trip to O’Bagel Hoboken, where the students got a chance to converse and learn from a young business owner and entrepreneur, Stephen El-Hassan.
El-Hassan, a 26-year-old resident of Hoboken, took the students through a tour of the location he manages—located on Sixth and Washington Street. Students got a chance to see behind the scenes of a thriving business that recently celebrated its one-year anniversary. Moreover, they got a chance to hear a true business success story firsthand, and discuss what it takes to step out and win as a young entrepreneur.

Apart from getting a chance to try the award-winning sandwiches and bagels, FBLA students got a chance to discuss what the road to business success looks like. El Hassan emphasized a constant need to focus on people, process, and product as well as the importance of confidence and clarity of vision. Being so young provides its share of challenges, but also benefits as El-Hassan explained to students.

Hoboken currently harbors the largest population of mid-twenty to early-thirty-year-old professionals in the country. El-Hassan’s youth allows him to better connect with one of his main target audiences, through marketing, product development and social media. Such success has helped garner the business a great deal of publicity, fanfare and recognition such as “Best Break Out Business of 2016.

He recommended students double down on their particular business interests, seek out experience, and not shy away from the sacrifice necessary to succeed in the long-term. In the highly saturated food and beverage industry, O’Bagel continues to succeed because of a commitment to getting the little details consistently correct. El-Hassan noted that these demands can parallel those of the CBA student, and that building relationships and brotherhood with classmates can be an important immediate step to achieving future success.
The FBLA members also had the chance to help select a logo for El Hassan’s latest venture, which launches later this month.
About O’Bagel:
O’Bagel is a family-owned and operated bagel shop and deli with four locations in North Jersey. Their award-winning bagels have garnered them recognition as one of the State’s best. Their newest location, O’Bagel Hoboken, was awarded “Best Breakout Business” and “Best Bagels” by HobokenGirl.com. Visit them online at OBagel.net.  
About FBLA:
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is an organization focused on helping students obtain a better understanding of the different career opportunities offered in Business. Students have the chance to hear guest speakers and participate in interactive presentations that develop business acumen. Learn more.
About Christian Brothers Academy:
Christian Brothers Academy (CBA) is a private, Catholic, academic preparatory school for boys located in Lincroft, New Jersey. Founded in 1959 and taught in the Lasallian tradition, CBA is dedicated to helping students become intellectually mature and morally responsible leaders for society. Through the combined efforts of the Office of Advancement and friends of the Academy, CBA awards over $1.3 million in scholarships and financial aid to current students. Experience the Academy at www.CBALincroftNJ.org.