Honorees Recognized at 2023 Lasalle Academic Awards
April 21, 2023

As is the tradition at Christian Brothers Academy, the student body gathered on Friday, April 21 for the annual Lasalle Academic Awards.
Presented by Principal Neil Begley, Associate Principal Sean Nunan and the academic department chairs, the following Academy men were honored for their outstanding academic and service achievements during the 2022-2023 school year.
The Brother John Halpin Award for GENERAL EXCELLENCE
Awarded to…….Thibaut Fabricant
Next in Merit…Jack Butler
The Bishop George W. Ahr Award for THEOLOGY
Awarded to…….Jack Butler
Next in Merit…John Woolf
The Christian Brothers Award for RELIGIOUS SERVICE
Awarded to…….Andrew Chiles and TJ Meehan
Next in Merit….James Karayanis
The Brother Albert Bernard McKenna Award for ENGLISH
Awarded to…….Thibaut Fabricant
Next in Merit…John Woolf
The Brother Andrew Valentine Award for SPANISH
Awarded to…….Jack Butler and John Woolf
Next in Merit…Louis Maione
The John B. Higgins Award for FRENCH
Awarded to…….Thibaut Fabricant
Next in Merit…Francesco Centro and Ryan Stefko
The Brother Clement Patrick Gardner Award for LATIN
Awarded to…….Declan Picadio
Next in Merit…Christian D’Alterio
The John C. Henderson Award for MATHEMATICS
Awarded to……..James Prunty
Next in Merit….Thibaut Fabricant and Ryan Stefko
The Brother Robert Fagan Award for HEALTH and PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Awarded to…Julian George and Zander Silva
Next in Merit…Angelo DeRose
The Doctor George Sheehan, Jr. Award for SCIENCE
Awarded to…….Thibaut Fabricant
Next in Merit…Andrew Chiles
The Peter E. Fleming Award for HISTORY
Awarded to…….Thibaut Fabricant
Next in Merit….Jack Butler
The Doctor William J. Zapcic, AFSC Award
Awarded to that student in the graduating class who in the opinion of theAdministration most exemplifies the spirit, ideals and achievements of Christian Brothers Academy.
This year the Dr. Zapcic award goes to… Conor Doogan
Under the guidance of Mr. Andrew Cusick and Ms. Therese Heidelberger, 22 of our graduating seniors completed their studies in the Scholars Program.
The Brother Michael Dwyer graduating scholars are:
Jake Adams
Brian Askin
Robert Canterino Michael Lawson Declan Picadio
Ryan Caulfield Sean Lawson James Prunty
Hunter Del Guercio Aidan MacManus Eamon Sullivan
Connor Doogan Stephen Makin Quinn Walsh
Thibaut Fabricant Ryan Manley John Woolf
Malcolm Ferguson
The Saint Brother Miguel Award for
Awarded to……Dylan Stefko
Next in Merit…Ryan Adams
The Saint Brother Mutien Marie for
Awarded to……Eric Fradkin
Next in Merit…Justin Fuerbacher
The Blessed Brother Solomon Award for
Awarded to…….Brady Prunty
Next in Merit…Jaden Vigneri
The 7th annual Br. Frank Byrne Award for Theology is sponsored by Mr. Bill Moss, CBA class of 1975 and his wife Liz Moss, along with classmates and friends of Br. Frank. This award honors the junior with the highest cumulative average in the study of Theology. This year’s winner is Brady Prunty
The 6th annual Brother Ralph Montedoro Award for Service to the Poor is sponsored by former CBA head of guidance Mr. Jack Brennan. This award honors the junior who has best exemplified the Christian Service belief in direct service to those in need. This year’s winner is Anthony Tapinis
The 24th annual Duffy Memorial Award for Spanish is sponsored by graduate Sean Duffy in honor of his parents.This award honors the junior with the highest cumulative average in the study of Spanish. This year’s winner is Brady Prunty
The 9th annual John and Carol DeMuria Award for English is sponsored by John and Carol DeMuria, the proud parents of Jonathon (class of 2003), Daniel (class of 2011), and Nicholas (class of 2016). This award goes to the junior with the highest cumulative average in the study of English. This year’s winner is Brady Prunty
The 18th annual Ceres Memorial Award for Physics is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ceres in memory of their son Gerald, CBA class of 2003. This award honors the junior with the highest average in Physics. This year’s winner is Brady Prunty
The 11th annual Frank Bulzis Senior Mathematics Award is sponsored by Mrs. Doreen Bulzis in memory of her husband and our colleague Frank Bulzis. This award honors the junior with the highest cumulative average in the study of mathematics. This year’s winner is Brady Prunty
The 9th annual Joseph Castle Award for History is sponsored by Mr. Joseph Castle, CBA Class of 1990. This award honors the junior with the highest cumulative average in the study of history. This year’s winner is Brady Prunty
Christian Brothers Academy (CBA) is a private, Catholic, academic preparatory school for boys located in Lincroft, New Jersey. Founded in 1959 and taught in the Lasallian tradition, CBA is dedicated to helping students become intellectually mature and morally responsible leaders for society. Through generous contributions from family and friends of the Academy, CBA awards over $1.7 million in scholarships and financial aid to current students. Experience the Academy at CBALincroftNJ.org.