Jaronko ’21 Talks CBA’s Positive Impact on College Decision
January 28, 2021
Senior Blake Jaronko has certainly made his four years at Christian Brothers Academy count.
From AP courses to varsity athletics and everything in between, Jaronko’s CBA resume has plenty of diverse, impactful experiences on it.
It was the totality of his CBA experiences that helped Jaronko be confident in his early decision to attend Wake Forest University next fall.
“Going into Wake Forest, I felt like I could transition to that academic grind,” Jaronko said. “It was kind of reassuring after talking to kids who went to college that said CBA really prepared them for it.”
While college-level studies will certainly present different challenges, Jaronko has taken several advanced classes at the Academy that has helped him refine his classroom and study skills. However, it was right away in his freshman year that he learned how to be an effective, successful student.
“World History was tough for me as a freshman,” he said. “That class allowed me to learn early that the more work I put in to get to know the material, the better the results would be.”
Of course, that lesson came in handy once he started to enroll in honors and Advanced Placement courses.

“One of the most difficult classes I have taken here is AP English Literature,” Jaronko said. “The writing assignments are very demanding and require a lot of thinking on the spot. I found that using creativity and precision can help to improve the quality of these assignments.”
His dedication to academics landed him a spot in the prestigious St. La Salle Chapter of the National Honor Society at CBA.
Outside of the classroom, Jaronko has been a familiar face across many student activities. Throughout his four years, he has been a member of the Pipes & Drums Band, Model United Nations, and Spanish Culture Society, while also serving as a Student Council representative and a Student Ambassador.
Jaronko has been a member of the varsity soccer team, as well as a two-year volleyball player.
“Extracurriculars have been a big part of my life,” Jaronko pointed out. “I think when I get to college I do want to join a bunch of clubs and play intramurals.”
And when Jaronko had his online interview with the admissions counselor from Wake Forest, he knew he needed to ask an important question.
“I asked him how I would be able to find Wake Forest as a home away from home,” Jaronko said. “And he described it just like CBA, that once you’re a Demon Deacon, you’ll always be a Demon Deacon. I know it is the same way at CBA.”
While he still has another semester left at the Academy, Jaronko is interested in pursuing the law or business fields at Wake Forest, noting his desire to learn real-life, strategic decision making as well as enjoying the art of debate.