October 16, 2015
This week, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Jeffrey Marx will be speaking at two separate occasions at the Academy.
Mr. Marx will be speaking to CBA parents on Wed., Oct. 21. and the entire CBA community in a student assembly Thursday morning (10/22) with his most requested presentation, “This Thing We Call Success.” Parents can RSVP via their emailed invitation.
Jeffrey Marx is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of six books, including the New York Times bestsellers Season of Life (2004, Simon & Schuster) and The Long Snapper (2009, HarperCollins). He has also contributed to countless post papers and magazines throughout the world.
Season of Life was chosen by the Oath Book committee, comprised of teachers from each academic department. As one of the required summer reading titles, the book was chosen as the Summer Oath Book for its meaningful reinforcement of the ideals and values our Academy Oath declares. In the years ahead, Season of Life will remain the freshman Oath book, and the other grades will get a new book to read each year.