March 6, 2017
That’s the amount needed from each CBA student for the Green Life Club’s latest project: an on-campus greenhouse.The Club is actively seeking donations for its latest undertaking, which it hopes to complete this year. Apart from other recylcing efforts, the Green Life Club hopes to create a sustainable solution in the form of the school’s own greenhouse.
The Project
- The walls and roof of the greenhouse will consist of stacked 2-liter bottles
- 1400 two-liter bottles are needed in total
- Collections have been held since November, but a big turnout will be needed this semester to hit their required amount.
The members of the Green Life Club are very excited about this project and are looking forward to its completion.
How To Help
Donation bins are available near the science labs. Students, parents, and members of the community who are interested in helping create this sustainable solution can email kbednarz@cbalincroftnj.org for more information.
Thank you in advance for all your help.