Seniors Take Part in Financial Wellness Seminar
December 5, 2017
As part of the senior health curriculum, Christian Brothers Academy students took part in a financial wellness seminar on Tuesday morning.
Led by Mrs. Maura Attardi of Money Management International (MMI), the seniors were presented with an overview on how to go about living on their own, as life away from home approaches next year.
Attardi, the Director of Financial Wellness for MMI, conducts various workshops for organizations like the NFL, WWE, and NCAA. Her presentation centered on the thinking and planning necessary to create a workable budget in the years following CBA, in college, and when entering the workforce.
She focused on three areas: budgeting basics, obtaining and using credit, and laying a foundation for your future.
Too often, young adults encounter a number of financial challenges, both in college and when beginning their careers. Attardi explained the importance of budgeting for the cost of living, recognizing the importance of good credit, and setting up a road-map from which CBA students can become financially independent.
The seniors were put through a few financial exercises, including ones on obtaining credit, investing early and budget allocations. They were challenged to think critically on a topic that will be integral to their future development. Through the series of exercises, they were able to consider these upcoming expenses and monthly allocations necessary to become financially independent.
About Christian Brothers Academy:
Christian Brothers Academy (CBA) is a private, Catholic, academic preparatory school for boys located in Lincroft, New Jersey. Founded in 1959 and taught in the Lasallian tradition, CBA is dedicated to helping students become intellectually mature and morally responsible leaders for society. Through the combined efforts of the Office of Advancement and friends of the Academy, CBA awards over $1.5 million in scholarships and financial aid to current students. Experience the Academy at www.CBALincroftNJ.org.