November 18, 2016
With social media becoming one of the best ways to relay information, Christian Brothers Academy has taken their cadre of social media accounts to another level.
With audiences that include current students, parents, alumni and friends, the Academy’s social media team is constantly serving up the latest post, videos and content. With over 10,500 alumni, nearly 1,000 students, and dozens of esteemed faculty and friends doing amazing things in the community, the good post is truly endless!
Current Parents
Current parents can enjoy day-by-day Academy updates by “Liking” CBA’s Facebook page. There they can find CBA stories, community post, recaps, links to event sign-ups and much more. The Academy typically posts on Facebook one or more times per day during the school week, always keeping the Colts community up-to-date.
Students get valuable tidbits from CBA’s Twitter account, with post from our 40+ extracurricular activities and messages from Academy administrators among the daily posts. Many clubs and teams maintain their own separate Twitter accounts for the very latest updates and information.
The CBA Instagram provides an outlet for great pictures of daily Academy life, alumni post and more. Prosepctive students can get a behind-the-scenes look of what being a member of the Academy is really like.
Members of our alumni faithful can stay connected and receive job alerts via the CBA LinkedIn page and “Christian Brothers Academy” LinkedIn group. Additionally, there is the CBA Alumni Facebook page for the latest alumni post.
Colt Nation Mobile App
Taking our fan experience to the next level is our brand-new moblie app: “Colt Nation.” Students, parents, faculty and alumni can use Colt Nation to check-in at events around CBA, earn points, and redeem them for great prizes. There’s also a FanCam for students to upload their own event pictures, and a Social tab so students can view all CBA social media content in one place.
Whether you are attending a Pegasus Productions performance, a Colts basketball game or the SADD Dinner for the Troops, you can earn points towards Colts gear, a dress down day or even a prom bid.
Last but not least, CBA Athletics has developed a social media presence and following that’s truly one of the best in high school sports.
Through their Twitter and Instagram accounts, @CBAColts provides Colts fans around the world with scores, post, videos and exclusive graphics that show off the Academy’s 18 varsity teams.
This myriad of action-packed content all coincides with LetsGoColts.com, the online home of CBA Athletics.
On The Horizon
Of course, the Academy won’t stop there. The Advancement and Athletics offices are working on a new ESPN-like mobile app that will bring LIVE events right to your smartphone, tablet or mobile device.
At the Academy, social media is just another way to express that #WeAreCBA.
Join students, parents and alumni on our social media!