Application Requirements:
Please submit an essay (500 word limit) which discusses the most important discovery, research, or event within the social sciences which has taken place in your lifetime. Social Sciences can be defined as any aspect of history, geography, economics, psychology, sociology or social studies. How has it/will it directly impact your life and what would you like to do to contribute to further research or discovery?
Please upload your essay using the "Choose File" button. Your essay should include your last name as the file name.
Please have a Middle School Social Studies teacher send a letter of recommendation on your behalf to The letter of recommendation must be sent directly by the person providing the recommendation; the title of this file should include the applicant’s last name and “Social Sciences.”
Applicants will be eligible for the following scholarships:
The Brother Basilian O’Connor FSC Memorial Scholarship
Founded in memory of Brother Basilian O’Connor FSC, this $2,500 scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman who has demonstrated a talent in critical thought and creativity in the social sciences (history, geography, social studies, economics, psychology).
This $2,500 scholarship is renewable for three years provided that the recipient maintains a GPA of 80% and continued evidence of financial need.
The Brother Cyril O’Neill FSC Memorial Scholarship for Social Sciences
Founded in memory of Brother Cyril O’Neill FSC, this $2,500 scholarship will be awarded to an incoming freshman who has demonstrated a talent in critical thought and creativity in the social sciences (history, geography, social studies, economics, psychology).
This $2,500 scholarship is renewable for three years provided that the recipient maintains a GPA of 80% and continued evidence of financial need.