• Seniors and Juniors that have a driver's license please use this form to pay for parking. The Parking Fee for the 2024-25 school year will be $80. Students will be assigned either the McKay or McKenna lot.

    Distribution of parking tags will take place on orientation day (Seniors on Wednesday 9/4 and Juniors on Thursday 9/5).

    Spots will not be assigned and students that have registered will be able to park on "first come, first served basis" in their assigned lot.

    Baseball, Cross Country, Indoor and Outdoor Track, Tennis and Hockey athletes may request McKenna lot.

    Please be sure to fill out the form completely, submit your payment, and upload an image of your driver's license and registration card. Any further questions please email Mrs. Tucker at

  • Max. file size: 300 MB.
  • Max. file size: 300 MB.
  • Max. file size: 300 MB.
  • By registering my automobile with Christian Brothers Academy, I agree to obey all rules of safe driving while on the school’s campus. Failure to comply with the regulations found in the student handbook section concerning driving regulations on school property may result in the loss of my driving privileges and/or disciplinary action at the discretion of the Dean of Students. Please be advised that any difficulties with automobile accidents, reckless driving, or otherwise unsafe conditions will be immediately reported to the Middletown Police Department. Offenders of our parking regulations are subject to towing of the vehicle and/or disciplinary action. IN THE (ANSWER) SPACE PROVIDED TYPE YOUR NAME AS AN ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE ATTESTING TO YOUR UNDERSTANDING AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE STATED RULES.
  • $0.00
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa