Christian Brothers Academy is an independent, Lasallian, college-preparatory school providing a contemporary and balanced Catholic education for young men. A rich and rigorous curriculum, programs of spiritual formation, and a broad range of academic, athletic, and cultural activities enable students to become intellectually mature and morally responsible leaders for the Church and society.
To that end, our Academy Oath is an expression of the Lasallian values that our students learn and strive to live out at Christian Brothers Academy. It represents the school’s pride in its tradition and commitment to its principles. At the beginning of every school year, our student body reaffirms themselves to the commitment of being a CBA student by pledging to the Academy Oath.
We the men of Christian Brothers Academy,
Do solemnly promise before God,
To live always with honor and integrity,
To serve and stand for those in need,
To strive for wisdom in the pursuit of knowledge,
To uphold the legacy and proud tradition of our Academy.
St. John Baptist de La Salle, pray for us!
Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!