This scholarship was founded by Mark Alexander, in honor of his parents, Richard and Gloria. When fully funded, this endowed scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student who strives for a CBA education.
Founded by John ’67 and Josephine Anderson, this $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has shown involvement in his church. Examples include altar server, church choir, religious education aide, youth group.
Founded by William Barham ’71, this $2,000 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated a talent for critical thought and creativity in science and technology.
This scholarship was founded by Patrick J. Thornton ’71 in memory of Brother Charles Baxter FSC. When fully funded, this endowed scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student who strives for a CBA education.
This $2,500, 4 year renewable scholarship is funded by the Biondolillo Family. This scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student with documented financial need who has demonstrated overall outstanding academic success.
This scholarship was founded by Rev. Gary Breton and Mary Buletza. This scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who excels in the area of mathematics.
Founded by OceanFirst Bank in memory of dedicated and esteemed employee, Joseph Burke ‘65, this $2,000 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student for his well rounded achievements.
Founded in honor of Br. Frank Byrne FSC ’75 and CBA President, this $2,000 renewable scholarship is awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated a commitment to his church.
Founded by Karen Cangialosi in loving memory of her husband, Stephen J. Cangialosi ’79, this $5,000 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to an Oak Hill Academy graduate who possesses the values and qualities of a CBA gentleman along with a high academic standard. Steve worked as a Municipal Bond Trader for Cantor Fitsgerald, L.P. located in the World Trade Center, NYC. He was tragically killed on September 11, 2001. Both of his sons went on to graduate from CBA and the family has established this fund in his honor to commemorate the 20th year anniversary of Stephen’s passing.
Founded by Vito Chiaravalloti Jr. in loving memory of his father, Vito Sr., this $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has an immediate family member affected by cancer.
This scholarship is founded in loving memory of Gary R. Collier ’75. This $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated a selfless love of his community.
Founded by J.P. Conte ’81, this full scholarship is currently awarded to students who have self-identified as an immigrant or a child or immigrant parents and for whom a CBA education would not otherwise be possible.
This scholarship was founded by Thomas Cunningham and his family in loving memory of John T. Cunningham. When fully funded, this endowed scholarship will be awarded to a student that strives for a CBA education.
Founded in honor of Thomas J. DeFelice by his brother Paul, this $1,000 renewable scholarship is awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated superior Christian Leadership.
This $2,000 scholarship is funded by The DG Foundation. This scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated overall outstanding academic success.
Founded in memory of longtime St Leo’s benefactor and CBA Board of Trustee member Kathleen Doehner, this $2,500 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to several CBA students who attended St. Leo’s School in Lincroft, NJ.
Founded by Bill and Kathy Dodge, this $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who strives for a CBA education and has demonstrated a selfless love of his community.
Founded by Andrew Dreschler ’90, this $1,000 renewable endowed scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who exemplifies the Academy Oath.
This $1,000 scholarship was founded in memory of Brother Michael Dwyer. This scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated overall outstanding academic success.
Founded by Christine and Lawrence Dyer, this $1,000 renewable scholarship is awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated superior Christian leadership inside his community.
Founded by Scott Garley ’74, this $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who demonstrates a high proficiency in creative writing.
The “Teddy Fund” was established by Victoria and Justin Gmelich, in memory of their infant son. The fund provides full scholarships for academically capable young men whose families could not otherwise afford a CBA education.
Founded by Kevin and Lisa Golding, this $1,000 renewable endowed scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who exemplifies the Academy Oath.
Founded by Leonard ’79 and Lauren Gorski, this $2,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student in recognition of his all around achievements.
Founded by Lucia Ham, this $2,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated a talent for critical thought and creativity in science and technology.
Founded by Mark and Trish Hansen, this $2,500 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who exemplifies the Academy Oath
Founded in loving memory of Gregory Henderson ’70 by his father Charles F. Henderson II, this $4,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student in recognition of his all around achievements.
Founded by Michael and Lucille Horowitz in loving memory of their son, Michael ’81, this $4,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a qualified student who strives for a CBA education.
This scholarship was founded Christopher and Amanda Housen. When fully funded, this endowed scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student who strives for a CBA education.
Founded by Kevin G. Kelly ’96, this $2,500 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to a student who has demonstrated an exceptional talent in the performing arts.
Founded by the Knapp Family, this $2,500 endowed scholarship is currently awarded to a qualified student who supports the philosophy and objectives of CBA and is a graduate of a Catholic middle school.
Founded by Paul and Lorraine Knepple, this $2,500 scholarship is currently awarded to a student who has demonstrated a talent for critical thought and creativity in science and technology.
Founded by Father Garry Koch, this $1,000 renewable scholarship is awarded to a CBA student who graduated from St. Benedict School in Holmdel, NJ who has demonstrated a commitment to Christian leadership in his community.
This scholarship was founded by Robert ‘79 and Cynthia Kortenhaus. When fully funded, this endowed scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student who strives for a CBA education.
Founded by John M. LeBedda II ’64 and Steven B. Jacobs, this scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student in pursuit of his CBA education. The recipient of this award submitted a thoughtful essay demonstrating his commitment to support of programs that combat bullying, youth homelessness, youth suicide, homophobia or transphobia.
Scholarship Founded by James ’82 and Heidi Maggs, this $1,000 endowed scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who personifies the ideals of the Academy Oath.
Founded by Patrick J. Thornton ’71, in memory of Brother Bernard McKenna FSC, this $2,500 scholarship is currently awarded to a student who has demonstrated a superior commitment to Christian Service.
Founded by Patrick J. Thornton ’71, in memory of Brother Bernard McKenna FSC, this $2,500 scholarship is currently awarded to a student who has demonstrated an outstanding academic record.
Founded by John and Susan McLaughlin, this $1,000 renewable endowed scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who exemplifies the Academy Oath.
Founded by Joseph ’76 and Miriam Tort, and supported by family and friends of the Torts, in memory of Brother Joseph Miggins FSC, a beloved supporter of the performing arts at CBA, this $2,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated exceptional talent in the performing arts.
Founded by Patricia Milano in loving memory of her husband, Peter T. Milano, who died tragically in the World Trade Center attacks, this scholarship is awarded to CBA students who are Middletown residents and attended one of the three township public schools. Selections for the scholarships, which range in value from $500 to $2,500, are made by The Peter T. Milano Scholarship Fund, and are based on financial need, academic merit, community service, and a commitment to others.
Founded by the CBA Mothers’ Club, this $2,000 endowed scholarship is currently awarded to a student who has demonstrated leadership, a strong academic record, financial need, completed application with essay, and a letter of personal recommendation.
Founded by Lisa and Daniel Murray, this scholarship is currently awarded to a student who embraces CBA’s mission of intellectual maturity and moral responsibility.
This $1,500 renewable scholarship was founded by Brian and Maureen O’Malley is awarded to a CBA student who has shown involvement in his church. Examples include altar server, church choir, religious education aide, youth group.
Founded by Spiro Pappas ’71, this $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has shown involvement in his church. Examples include altar server, church choir, religious education aide, youth group.
This $2,000, 4 year renewable scholarship is endowed by Joseph Popolo ’85. This scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student with documented financial need who has demonstrated overall outstanding academic success.
This scholarship was founded in memory of Ms. Barbara Reed who was a dedicated community advocate in Colts Neck, New Jersey. The Barbara Reed Memorial Scholarship is a full tuition scholarship that is currently awarded to a student chosen by Brother Frank Byrne FSC ’75.
Founded by John Reynolds ’88 in honor of his parents John and Eileen Reynolds, this $4,000 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to CBA students who attended St. Thomas of Old Bridge Catholic School or are parishioners of St. Thomas of Old Bridge Catholic Church.
Founded by Mark ’97 and Christy Russo, this $1,000 scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student who has demonstrated superior Christian leadership inside his community.
Founded by John Santos ’83, in memory of his parents John and Felicidade, this $2,500 scholarship is awarded to a current student with strong academic potential who embraces CBA’s mission of intellectual maturity and moral responsibility.
This $2,500 renewable scholarship was created to honor Jack Scherer who passed away on January 16, 2016. In memory of his strength, courage, compassion, and love for CBA and hockey, the fund supports like-minded students who aspire to an education that is beyond the reach of the family’s financial capacity. This scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student for his well rounded achievements.
Founded by Mr. and Mrs. John Tapinis, this scholarship will be awarded as part of the Lasallian Service Scholarship to a student beginning their freshman year at CBA in the 2023-2024 school year.
Founded in loving memory of former CBA teacher Patricia Tracey, this $1,000 renewable scholarship is currently awarded to a CBA student in recognition of his all around achievements.
Founded by Mr. & Mrs. William Van Winkle and Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Van Winkle ’77, This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a qualified student who strives for a CBA education.
Founded by George and Margaret Watts, in loving memory of their son Patrick Watts ’96, this $2,500 scholarship is awarded to a member of the CBA Pipes & Drums program.