“The number one thing I get from a senior in the spring who is taking his first music class is ‘I wish I would have gotten to do this sooner because I might have been on a path where I could be an even strong player than I am now.’ Usually, that comes from the student who has never played an instrument or never touched music before. We identified that and we decided that it is in everyone’s best interest to reach these kids sooner.”
– Christian Lopez, Music Director
Christian Brothers Academy has had robust, award-winning Performing Arts for years, but actors, musicians and singers have had to do most of their work before or after school. Pegasus Production Company produces two shows per year, a fall drama and spring musical, while the Music Department has multiple different disciplines to participate in. You can check out our extracurricular offerings here!
Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, students from freshman to senior year will be able to enroll in a variety of courses in the Performing Arts. Listen to some of our performing arts students speak about their experiences in the video below and check out the courses that are projected to be offered in 2024-2025.
Music Theory
Modern Band
AP Music Theory
Music Technology
Acting & Public Speaking
Contact: Christian Lopez | Music Director | clopez@cbalincroftnj.org