Over three centuries ago, St. John Baptist de La Salle founded the tradition of the Brothers of the Christian Schools. De La Salle was an educational innovator who saw that all children deserved to be enlightened. He developed instructional techniques that continue to be used today in schools like Christian Brothers Academy.
One of the basic commitments of Lasallian education is the devotion to a comprehensive education. The teachers and administrators at CBA understand that learning is more than a collection of facts and figures. At the Academy, the academic program exists principally to help students become young men of Christian maturity and responsible character.
Students are taught by talented professionals, committed to the ideals of Lasallian education. Much will be expected of each individual, but as our graduates have proven for over 60 years, the benefits of an Academy education are well worth the effort.
As freshman are told at orientation, students are expected to work exceptionally hard at their studies, while balancing an extracurricular life. Although students’ academic achievements are highly prioritized, elevating the importance of grades on a report card over the greater value of what students learn is never our goal at CBA. The most important lessons that graduates take with them are never the specific details of a multiple-choice test or short answer response. The time spent at CBA is a valuable period of growth and self-discovery. It is the school’s expectation that by making honorable, balanced decisions in regard to their academic studies, our students will learn to make similarly sound choices in all aspects of their lives.