At Christian Brothers Academy, we are proud to offer a wide variety of vocal and instrumental music options for beginners and experienced musicians alike.
Since opening in 1985, the Shaheen Music Wing for Performing Arts has served as the hub for our performing arts groups. Facilities include a practice room equipped with pianos, amplifiers, and drums, as well as several larger rooms for ensemble rehearsals.
Men’s Choir is an ensemble open to all musicians and explores a variety of styles of music while developing individual and ensemble vocal technique. This ensemble has traveled to compete in Annapolis, Maryland, Washington, DC, and most recently performed in Cleveland, Ohio, and Nashville, TN. In addition, they have performed with the Arcadian Chorale and in the Wicked Choral Workshop in NY. Rehearsals are Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 2:40-3:30.
Music Ministry is open to ALL students and will be responsible for providing music at all liturgies and prayer services at CBA.
Jazz Combo is an advanced music ensemble comprised of 8-10 students. This group explores high-level music of various styles and focuses on improvisation and ear-training to help guide rehearsals. Jazz Combo often performs at private events and competitions throughout the state. This ensemble is by audition only and students must be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grade to apply. Jazz Ensemble is a class that meets BEFORE school three days per cycle and appears on your transcript.
Jazz Ensemble is open to any and all instrumentalists enrolled in classes at CBA. We will be exploring all styles of music- Jazz, Rock, Funk, Latin, and Big Band- with a focus on performance, improvisation, and composition. In recent years, this ensemble has performed in Cleveland, Ohio, Washington, DC, and Nashville, Tennessee in venues such as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, the Country Music Hall of Fame, and as part of the Grand Ole Opry Pre-Show. In addition the group competes at various events throughout the state. Jazz Ensemble is a class that meets BEFORE school three days per cycle and appears on your transcript.
The Pep Band plays for most home basketball games. This ensemble is set up like a rock band with woodwinds and brass. The music usually consists of Rock, Pop, and R&B. The ensemble rehearses once a week during Wednesday Enrichment Period. Open to any and all instruments.
Pipes & Drums is open to all students interested in learning about and playing bagpipes and drums. The club meets for lessons one day per week. There are two professional instructors with the goal of having a group of students ready to represent CBA at events and parades by St. Patrick’s Day. Learn more here.
The Pit Orchestra provides underscoring for the spring musical and will be an auditioned ensemble. This group will work closely with the Theater Department and will have a regular rehearsal schedule established from November -March. The instrumentation, audition information, and rehearsal schedule will be determined at a later point. This group is by audition only and instrumentation will vary from year to year.
School of Rock is an ensemble that arranges and performs Rock and Pop music from various periods of music history. This ensemble is open to any and all instrumentalists and singers. The ensemble rehearses once a week during Wednesday Enrichment Period. Open to any and all students who play a rhythm section instrument.