From Coast to Coast: Catching Up with Alumni and Friends
February 22, 2019
In less than a week’s time, Christian Brothers Academy hosted three receptions in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York City, further demonstrating the national footprint that the Academy has created.
On Friday, February 15th, nearly 30 alumni and friends of CBA enjoyed Shutters on the Beach restaurant in Santa Monica. President Brother Frank Byrne ’75, Board Chairman Joe Tort ’76, and Director of Advancement Bill Attardi ’82 updated the attendees on the exciting thing happening back east at CBA, while enjoying dinner and drinks with a view.
The group, joined by Principal Ross Fales, traveled north to San Francisco to host 30 more CBA faithful on Tuesday, February 19th. The alumni traded stories about their time in Lincroft at the Wayfare Tavern in the heart of the Golden Gate City.
After a six-hour flight back to Newark, Brother Frank and company were in Manhattan on Thursday evening for the Alumni Association Networking Night at Jack Demsey’s. A record 100 alumni packed the third floor bar, making it feel like they were back in the CBA cafeteria with the classic camaraderie.
“It has been a great week for catching up with our alumni in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York,” Brother Frank said. “After arriving back from California on Thursday morning, we had the opportunity to meet up with 100 more alumni in Manhattan that evening at Demsey’s. Needless to say, it’s always a great time when CBA alumni get together.”
CBA is now busy planning an alumni job fair & networking event for May, as well as more regional receptions in cities such as Boston and Chicago.
Check out photos from each event below and thanks to all those who attended the events!